LMU Courses

Explore the list of courses/programmes offered at Landmark University as well as their general requirements or cut-off marks and find out how to apply via LandmarkUniversity Students portal.


List of Courses Offered At Landmark University


Landmark University offers various graduates, postgraduate, diploma and certificate courses and programmes under different departments and Faculty.


Undergraduates Programmes/Courses


School Of Agriculture


·       Agric Agricultural Extension & Rural Development

·       Agric Agricultural Economics

·       Animal Science

·       Aquaculture and Fisheries Management

·       Crop Science

·       Soil Science


College Of Engineering


·       Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering

·       Chemical Engineering

·       Civil Engineering

·       Electrical and Information Engineering

·       Mechanical Engineering

·       Mechatronics Engineering


College of Pure and Applied Sciences


·       Biochemistry

·       Microbiology

·       Computer Science

·       Industrial Chemistry

·       Mathematics

·       Physics

·       Food Science and Nutrition


College of Business and Social Sciences


·       Accounting

·       Business Administration


School Of Social Science


·       Economics

·       International Relations

·       Political Science

·       Sociology

·       Mass Communication


Postgraduates Diploma Programmes/Courses


College of Business And Social Sciences


·       Accounting

·       Business Administration (with the Business Administration, Management and Entrepreneurship options including MBA)

·       Sociology                      

·       Political Science                     

·       Banking and Finance                       

·       Economics                    

·       International Relations


College of Agricultural Sciences


·       Agricultural Economics                    

·       Agricultural Extension and Rural Development                    

·       Crop Science                          

·       Soil Science                            

·       Animal Science


College Of Engineering


·       Agricultural and Bio-Systems Engineering                            

·       Mechanical Engineering

·       Chemical Engineering                     

·       Civil Engineering


College of Pure and Applied Sciences


·       Biochemistry

·       Industrial Chemistry

·       Microbiology


Masters Programmes/Courses


College of Business and Social Sciences


·       Accounting

·       Business Administration (with the Business Administration, Management and Entrepreneurship options including MBA)

·       Sociology                      

·       Political Science                     

·       Banking and Finance                       

·       Economics                    

·       International Relations


College of Agricultural Sciences


·       Agricultural Economics                    

·       Agricultural Extension and Rural Development                    

·       Crop Science                          

·       Soil Science                            

·       Animal Science


College Of Engineering


·       Agricultural and Bio-Systems Engineering                            

·       Mechanical Engineering                            

·       Electrical & Information Engineering                            

·       Chemical Engineering                     

·       Civil Engineering


 College of Pure and Applied Sciences


·       Biochemistry                           

·       Computer Science                           

·       Industrial Chemistry                         

·       Mathematics                           

·       Microbiology                           

·       Physics


Doctoral Programmes/Courses


College of Business and Social Sciences


·       Accounting                    

·       Business Administration (with the Business Administration, Management and Entrepreneurship options including MBA)

·       Sociology                      

·       Political Science                     

·       Banking and Finance                       

·       Economics                    

·       International Relations


College of Agricultural Sciences


·       Agricultural Economics                    

·       Agricultural Extension and Rural Development                    

·       Crop Science                          

·       Soil Science                            

·       Animal Science


College of Engineering


·       Agricultural and Bio-Systems Engineering                            

·       Mechanical Engineering                            

·       Electrical and Information Engineering                        

·       Chemical Engineering                     

·       Civil Engineering


College of Pure and Applied Sciences


·       Biochemistry                           

·       Computer Science                           

·       Industrial Chemistry                         

·       Mathematics                           

·       Microbiology                           

·       Physics