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Best Google Chrome Extensions for Blogger and Site Owner

Best Google Chrome Extensions for Blogger and Site Owner

Are you a Blogger/Sit owner and you want 100% credibility for your website? Check this out. BlackHat Links outlined the  best google chrome extensions you will need. Also check your website speed and performance.

 5 Best Google Chrome Extensions for Blogger and Site Owner

Below are the list;

1. Grammarly


Making a grammatical error on your web content can spell doom for your credibility. Most customers find a language and grammatical mistakes unforgivable, which is why you need Grammarly


2. AdBlock


Nobody on this planet is fond of those pesky pop-up ads. Imagine opening a website and waiting for the content to load, but a large ad banner pops up, blocking most of the page.


3. Pocket


If you are looking for an extension that saves videos and articles for later viewing, you should download Pocket.


4. WhatFont


If you are looking to improve the aesthetics of your web page, one of the first areas you should focus on is the text color and font. Visitors enjoy reading a blog with readable text. So, how do you identify fonts used in blogs or web pages?


WhatFont tells you details of the font you see on a web page.


5. SEOquake


Keeping your blog ahead in today’s Internet world takes a lot of effort.


SEO is essential for any site, but it can be quite the task of keeping up with constantly changing requirements. SEOquake can help to ease the SEO related tasks.

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