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Microsoft Excel Workbook Shortcut Keys

Microsoft Excel Workbook Shortcut Keys

You want to save time working with Microsoft Excel Spread sheet? Then you need to know your Keyboard shortcut keys. Below are the Important Keyboard shortcut keys you will need to know in Microsoft Excel Workbook.


Excel Workbook Shortcut Keys


Create a new workbook                                -         Ctrl + N

Open an existing workbook                           -         Ctrl + O

Save a workbook/spread sheet                      -         Ctrl + S

Close the current workbook                           -         Ctrl + W

Close Excel                                                   -         Ctrl + F4

Move to the next sheet                                -         Ctrl + Page Down

Move to the previous sheet                          -         Ctrl + Page Up

Go to the Data tab                                       -         Alt + A

Go to the View tab                                      -         Alt + W

Go to the Formula tab                                 -        Alt + M

Edit a cell                                                   -         F2

Copy and Paste cells                                   -         Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V

Italicize and make font bold                       -         Ctrl + I, Ctrl + B

Center align cell contents                            -         Alt + H + A + C

Fill color                                                       -         Alt + H + H

Add a border                                                 -         Alt + H + B

Remove outline border                                   -         Ctrl + Shift + _

Add an outline to the select cells                    -         Ctrl + Shift + &

Move to the next cell                                      -         Tab

Move to the previous tab                                 -         Shift + Tab

Select all the cells on the right         -         Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Select all the cells on the left             -         Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

Select the column from the selected cell to end of the table -         Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Select all the cells above the selected cell         -         Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow

Select all the cells below the selected cell          -         Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Add a comment to a cell                                       -         Shift + F2

Delete a cell comment                                 -         Shift + F10 + D

Display find and replace                                -         Ctrl + H

Activate the filter                                       -         Ctrl + Shift + L

Insert the current date                                   -         Ctrl + ;

Insert current time                                        -         Ctrl + Shift + :

Insert a hyperlink                                           -         Ctrl + K

Apply the currency format                               -         Ctrl + Shift + $

Apply the percent format                              -         Ctrl + Shift + %

Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box      -         Alt + Q


Row and Columns Formatting Shortcut Keys


Select the entire row                                       -         Shift + Space

Select the entire column                                  -         Ctrl + Space

Delete a column                                            -         Alt + H + D + C

Delete a row                                      -         Shift + Space, Ctrl + -

Hide selected row                                          -         Ctrl + 9

Unhide selected row                                      -         Ctrl + Shift + 9

Hide selected Column                                      -         Ctrl + 0

Unhide selected column                                  -         Ctrl + Shift + 0

Group rows and columns                  -         Alt + Shift + Right Arrow

Ungroup rows or columns                   -         Alt + Shift + Left Arrow


Pivot Table Shortcut Keys


Group pivot table using items                  -         Alt + Shift + Right Arrow

Ungroup pivot table items                    -         Alt + Shift + Left Arrow

Hide pivot table items                                      -         Ctrl + -

Create a pivot chart on a same sheet                 -         Alt + F1

Create a pivot chart on a new worksheet             -         F11


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