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Student Loan Trust Fund Application

Student Loan Trust Fund Application

The Student Loan Trust Fund is a financial institution that provides loans to students to help them pay for tuition, housing, textbooks, food, and other expenses

 Student Loan Trust Fund Application Portal

The trust fund has opened its application portal to new applicants seeking financial aid to fund their academic pursuits.


To apply for the student loan, you need to have the following requirements:


  • Ghana Card (in PDF format)
  • Active email
  • Active phone number
  • E-zwich card
  • Student ID (in PDF format)


Students/Applicants should take not that all the documents you will provide will be scanned into a PDF format


How to Apply: To apply for the student loan, follow these steps:


  1. Register for an E-zwich card at any E-zwich branch.
  2. Open an email/gmail
  3. Check the requirements very well before proceeding to the next step
  4. Have two passport sizes (standard dimensions)
  5. Read the student loan statement, which outlines the charges attached to the loan when it becomes overdue.
  6. Submit your application online.


How Can You Repay Your Student Loan?


  • Through Cash
  • Cheque repayment (outright or by installment at the head office)
  • Repayment by cheque at the zonal offices
  • Monthly deduction (mandated) from the borrower’s salary by the employer.

The Student Loan Trust Fund aims to assist students in overcoming financial obstacles that may be impeding their academic progress. Students who are interested are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and apply for the loan to meet their financial needs.

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