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IoT Hacking Tools

IoT Hacking Tools

How long have you been searching for best IoT hacking tools? If so then Blackhat links gives you the top 5 tools for hacking IoT devices.

IoT Hacking Tools

In the past decade, we have seen a rise in the number of devices that are connected to the internet. We now have devices like thermostats, doorbells, and even toasters that can connect to the internet and be controlled remotely. This interconnectedness is made possible by the internet of things, or IoT.


IoT devices are becoming more and more common, which means that there are more opportunities for hackers to exploit them. Hackers can use IoT devices to gain access to networks, steal data, or launch attacks.


There are a number of IoT hacking tools that can be used to exploit these devices. Some of these tools are designed for specific devices, while others can be used to attack any IoT device. Today we will be sharing top 5 IoT hacking tools with their benefits. They are;




Wireshark is a network packet analyzer that allows you to capture and analyze network traffic in real-time. It is an open-source program considered by ethical hackers to be one of the most crucial network security tools for analyzing IoT device vulnerabilities.


Further, it is also used to resolve the network’s performance, detect unusual traffic, misconfigured programming among the devices, and solves protocol authentication problems.


Benefits of using Wireshark Tool for IoT Hacking


1) It is available for various platforms: Windows and UNIX

2) It helps you to see comprehensive details about packet within a network and is not proprietary

3) It defects traffic issues you might have for the sent and received data packets

4) It helps decoding the traffic from another person or device on network




Network Mapper (or Nmap) is a widely used open source scanning tool used in network discovery, and at the time of scanning, it sends crafted packets to discover the devices connected to a network.


It then gives data to the operating system they are running on, to analyze the responses. The beauty of Nmap is that is specially developed for enterprise scal networks and allows you to scan hundreds of devices at once and further promotes vulnerability assessment of IoT devices.


The Nmap tool uses its primary package data to find out other hosts that are in the network, what services these hots are executing, what operating systems they run, and what kinds of packet filters or firewalls are installed as security measures.


Benefits of using Nmap Tool for IoT Hacking


1) Through Nmap, the interaction with the target host is possible using its scripting engine, which is quite efficient when scanning a large network

2) Nmap helps you in auditing the network for detecting the new servers or users that could be potential threat to you




Metasploit is a cybersecurity tool that gives software security information and enhances your penetration testing efforts. It is an open-source penetrating tool used to test vulnerabilities in the computer and gain access to the computer remotely and helps in securing them for hacking.


Ethical hackers can use metasploit to search and discover software vulnerabilities on the networks and in IoT devices; it can specially be used to exploit code on a remote target computer. So, it’s always advisable that an organization should avoid ready-to-use code and use a more personalized approach while securing systems.


Benefits of using Metasploit Tool for IoT Hacking


1) It is an open source and is available for free

2) It allows the user to add their customize modules and personalize security test cases

3) It promotes detailed threat hunting which helps an ethical hacker to quickly act against systematic bugs or vulnerabilities




Fiddler is an open-source web proxy tool which can work with any browser or platform. It has many features to help run pentesting on a device and also allows users to debug the web traffic on any system.


The Fiddler tool records the data and also fiddles with the traffic while it is transmitted over the network. It is intended for dual debug and proxy configuration purposes and logs proxy support data from network applications.


It is mainly used in IoT hacking to intercept and decrypt HTTPS traffic from a pentesting point of view and professionals use it to debug to see that the system is sending the requests to which website or service, and if required act accordingly.


Benefit of using Fiddler Tool for IoT Hacking


1) It works with nearly every HTTP client, so has almost zero compatibility issues

2) It can stop customer traffic on non-windows platform also and allow you to run testing on the same.




Maltego is an open-source tool and offers a comprehensive methods to collect and connect the information to investigative task through open-source intelligence and graphical analysis in real-time.


It focuses on providing a library of transforms to find data from open sources and visualize it in a graph format that can be used for connection analysis and data mining. Also, in terms of IoT scanning and assessment, it has the advantage of being able to analyze the links between individual open-source information in the real world.


And for a penetration tester, it is a valuable tool during the test’s footprint and intelligence gathering phases. Maltego operates under Windows, Linux, and OSX, making it a flexible tool for almost every business environment.


Benefit of using Maltego Tool for IoT Hacking


1) It allows you to access the complexion and severity of individual failure points

2) It represents information in a simple and easy to understand manner



There are many IoT hacking tools available that can be used to exploit vulnerabilities in IoT devices



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